Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Ahh The old school way don’t we all miss it? Don’t we miss the way we use to grab eye contact with a "purpose"? How we use to set-up a place and time to get to know each other without a way to contact each other. Therefore, leaving us plenty of curious questions such as- 'when is his/her birthday’? 'I wonder how his/her day is going?' 'I have to see her/him again'. Though we were so curious it taught us patience it kept us excited for the next place and time. Through experience I've notice the new era we live in today takes that respected role play away causing us to become impatient. Therefore, allowing us to steal time through the cyber world to ask or see what ponders in our mind. We became "lazy", unwilling to meet, uncomfortable with eye contact, lost in our own beliefs. For example, believing that if the person's messages do not amuse us he/she is no longer interesting but, the truth is that the time for curiosity has been interrupted causing us to be bored, irritated, clingy, perseverance. With that I ask the people of America to put the phone away during an encounter give an email instead of a phone number, set a place and time to meet to allow the chance of interest to sink in. Therefore, allowing a chance of a decision to show or not to show leaving a clear answer of 'I’m here, lets mingle' or 'it was nice to meet you, but not interested', without words but, with a common, respected sense. 'There was a time when we all accepted faith, let’s take a step back'- Jason Burnett

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